Friday, July 17, 2015

Coat of much coatiness...

I blame Giles.
At festival I was admiring his coats. He said they were easy.
'But I don't have a pattern', I wibbled.
'That's okay. You've got this. You know how to do it.'

That stayed with me. This week, home sick, we decided to attend a feast in Canberra in the middle of winter. Mr had no coat....

Better - the wool was from my stash that I've had about ten years. The faux fur came from my old v- neck Burgundian and was set aside for reuse. I had thread.
Cost: stash busting :)

It's unlined. I may go back and split the sleeves later if I find more fur.

Thanks Giles. You're right and your faith in my mad skillz kept me going this week.