Monday, October 10, 2016

Chicken, currant and cinnamon pies....

The Opera of Bartolomeo Scappi (1570): L'arte et prudenza d'un maestro Cuoco (The Art and Craft of a Master Cook)

Per Master Drake’s suggestion.


The outcome of this recipe seems to be two products - the broth, and the roasted chicken with currants for flavour. I need something slightly different - I'm looking to make small single bite pies - but the simplicity of the recipe and the delicate yet distinctive flavours sounded just right.

I opted for store bought rolled shortcrust pastry both for time constraints, and because I have a severe egg intolerance, and I could purchase egg-free pastry easily.
Estimated cooking time too long for the teeny mini pies – 12 minutes was plenty.

Redaction to make small pies, suitable for finger food, to honour a great cook.

First pass, the ‘theory’ of the redaction.

1kg chicken breast
1kg chicken thighs
2tsp cinnamon
1tbsp verjuice
1 tsp salt
2tbsp Malmsey/Sweet sherry
Purchased shortcrust pastry sheets
½ cup currants – I bought some fancy non chemical dried ones. Worth it.

Using chicken thighs and breast – chop finely. Leave the fat in.
Mix cinnamon, verjuice, salt, sherry, currants.
Add to chicken mixture
Spoon into pastry shells (cut out rounds and use mini-muffin pan as base)

Bake for 20 minutes or until done.

The actual redaction:

Not enough currants – double it – used 1 cup.

Chicken mixture ended up being 1.2kg breast, 800g dark, because that was the sizes of the pack.

Clearly, I WAY overestimated – I had enough for about 300 bite size pies. Next time, for a non-finger food requirement, I’ll do them the same way but in full sized muffin tins.

I also doubled the sherry with the extra currants – so ended up being 4 tbsp – may be easier next time to just add 80ml.

I cooked a small batch, pastry free, to taste the ratios of cinnamon/chicken/etc. No need to add sugar – the currants were sweet enough.

It was very tasty. The cinnamon flavour comes through well, without overpowering the more delicate sweetness of the currants. There’s a hint of the sherry taste as you eat it. I think the balance is about right, as a savoury dish.


Final recipe

1.2kg chicken breast
800g chicken thighs
2tsp cinnamon
1tbsp verjuice
1 tsp salt
4tbsp Malmsey/Sweet sherry
Purchased shortcrust pastry sheets – 5 used - 10 required for this many teeny pies
1 cup currants – I bought some fancy non chemical dried ones. Worth it.

Using chicken thighs and breast – chop finely. Leave the fat in.
Mix cinnamon, verjuice, salt, sherry, currants.
Add to chicken mixture
Spoon into pastry shells (cut out rounds and use mini-muffin pan as base)

Bake at 175C in fan forced oven for 12 minutes or until done. If making larger pies, adjust baking time.

Makes about 250 mini pies.