Sunday, December 15, 2019

Spinning away...


Apparently taking on administrative duties in my hobbies means that I do very little in the way of arts and sciences.

However, all (good?) things must end, and it's in sight. That means my mind is starting to look to the creative again, and I'll start to blog, and use this as a place to keep thoughts and ideas.

What have I been up to? Well, yesterday we picked up a great wheel, so I have new adventures in spinning to learn, and hopefully demonstrate.

She's beautiful.

Of course, that immediately promoted a google search of pre 16thC great wheels. Most of the ones I've seen have the spinners seated - whereas most of the colonial American styles that I've seen call this a walking wheel, and have the spinner walking beside, back and forth. I'll need to do some more investigation on this. My wheel isn't huge, so I feel I probably could sit beside her, although of course that will mean a shorter draw and possibly less efficiency. Experiments to be had.

She needs some very minor repairs and maintenance. Good thing it's almost the end of year break.

For now, and for my reference, the video and other sites for me to watch and learn from:

(and many more)

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