Sunday, May 10, 2015

Rosewater milk pudding

Rosewater. Check.
Gelatin and milk. Check.

Decide to play, as I've never used gelatin before. Read the rosewater label. Find out the lovely organic stuff my beloved purchased, that the health store person told him was food grade, is in fact for topical use only. Swear.

Okay, so vanilla bean milk pudding then.
500ml milk. 2tsp gelatin. 'Some' castor sugar. 'Some' (maybe 2-3tsp) vanilla bean paste.

Heat until it just starts to boil. Pour into tea cups.

It was set in about two hours. Firm. Err...gelatinous. Not particularly silky, but as I didn't use cream I was expecting that. Delicious. Too sweet, but delicious.

Next step: actual rosewater pudding.

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